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meteor burst 流星(尾跡)爆發〔會產生電離粒子,其輻射強度驟增〕。


In this thesis , firstly , we put forward a new algorithm of the synchronization of carrier reference phase , that is to use the curve synthesizing with the general digital carrier phase looper to have an estimation on carrier frequency within 10 ms so as to meet the need of meteor burst communication . we have done some simulations to get the performance of carrier frequency estimation using two modulation modes ( 16qam and 4 - qpsk ) , and had some test on the carrier phase looper in conditions when using different baud rate transmission and when the baud tuning have windage 我們對兩種正交調制方式( 16qam和4 - qpsk )進行了模擬工作并給出了模擬結果,同時討論了碼元同步定時誤差對鎖相環路工作的影響并根據流星通信中使用變速率傳輸時鎖相環路的載波同步性能進行了測試;然后在基于軟件無線電思想的數字處理平臺(該數字處理平臺實現了中頻數字化)上用dsp軟件完成了載波的相位跟蹤。

Establishment of real - time vessel tracking system for all large vessels - using automatic identification system ( ais ) coupled with inmarsat - c / or hf capability on vessels ( or other technology as appropriate such as meteor burst signal technology ) - and continuous tracking of all such vessels by us coast guard 利用跟蹤系統對所有大型船只進行跟蹤,美國海岸警衛隊使用自動鑒別系統及其他相應的技術對所有的船只進行跟蹤。